World Congress on Agroforestry realizes that there are many people – scientists, farmers, communities, governments, universities and their students, private individuals and companies – who are working on great agroforestry projects. They have come up with a way to provide a platform to showcase ypur
What you need to do is:
Write a blogpost of 500-1,000 words which describes your agroforestry project, your newest initiative, your finest invention, your ingenious idea for which you would like support, your latest research findings. The general theme is “Trees for Life”. You will be required to ind a great picture to go with it
Email the blogpost and picture to p.casier(at)
They will then publish your blogpost and picture on the #WCA2014 blog and possibly other online media. They will also spread your post through vast social media .
Here’s where the competition bit comes in:
Every blogpost will automatically be entered into an online competition: The online public will be able to vote for your blogpost – which will depend on WHAT you write about, and HOW you present it..
The five most popular blogposts will be announced at the upcoming World Congress on Agroforestry, and their authors will receive a certificate and a signed copy of “The Trees for Life,” a new book to launched at the Congress.
The writer of the best blogpost, will receive an Apple iPad.
What they are looking for is inspiring stories, enticing enthusiasm about the current achievements and future potentials of agroforestry. Make your blogposts fun and thrilling to win to be in the running for the iPad.
The blogposts and pictures can be submitted as of now until COB February 5th 2014.
Submissions and further inquiries: Please contact Peter Casier – p.casier(at)
Every blogpost submission will be acknowledged by email.
Read the original call for blog Competition to get more details here