Ideas on how to use videos on your blog

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If you own or manage a blog, multimedia is one of the few things you have to consider using as part of the way to market your content. But many people overlook the use of videos in their content.

Videos are viewed at an alarming rate. For some reason, people just seem to enjoy watching a video rather than reading a story. Based on this, a video is something you really should look into having for your blog content. Never mind that people on social media would share videos faster than they would a link to written content. Knowing how and when to use videos on your blog is important. Here are 3 ways you can use videos on your blog.


If you’re going to explain about a product, it would be better to use a video. Rather than just tell people about it, show them the product. Explain the idea behind it and the various services it offered. Keep it short under 2 minutes and make it fun, interesting or controversial. It’s easier to show someone the greatness behind a phone or beauty product rather than simply writing it down for them.

Customer Testimonials

If most of the readers of your blog are customers leaving you praises you need a video. Have them record their testimonials and share it as part of the content. People love to watch videos, so it’s better to show them the value of your blog and what you do through a live presentation.


Many bloggers are having interviews as part of their content. Rather than have it in written form, record it. Set up a meet with your interviewee and record what they say. It would capture the response to your questions and convey a message way better than a written interview would. When it’s just in written form, people miss out on the facial expressions and emotions behind the words. A video personalizes the interview and makes it more interesting.

Using videos on your blog drives more traffic to your blog. It also endears the readers to you. The get to know you, engages them in ways written words can’t. The next time you want to write a blog post and are feeling lazy why not record a video. Change things up a bit and make you blog a multimedia platform.