Questions to ask during your job interview


An interview is a two-way street. In most cases, the employer should, and will typically, provide an opportunity for you to ask questions at or near the end of the interview. Always have something in mind to ask. There’s no limit to how many questions you should ask. But due to time constraints, prioritize them and have the most important ones asked first.

The reason you should have question sis it provides more insight into who you are and where your mind is in regards to working for the company. Having no questions prepared sends the message that you have no independent thought process, or are ill-prepared, or are not bright, or some combination.

Here a few questions that you can ask that will impress your potential employer.

What is the company culture like?

Company culture isn’t all about happy hour and free coffee. You need to know the dynamics of the company’s environment. This will let you know about the company’s communication channels and how you can match them to your personality and working methods. Find out how the organization runs before you leave the interview room.

Who previously held this position?

It never hurts to know who you’re replacing. When a position is vacant, there’s always a back story. This question is all about finding the details to this story. Was the previous employee promoted? Was he or she let go?

We may think that this question is a bit intrusive but it’s far from that. People need to know what they’re getting into and how this job has been performed in the past. Know who’s shoes you are expected to fill, find out what made them good at the job and if they filed at anything. Once you know who had the position before you, you can start planning how to work if you get the job.

 Is there anything missing from my resume?

Sometimes your resume can be less than impressive. It’s always good to find out from the interviewer before you leave. This will highlight a few of your shortcomings but it will also help you know a few key areas to improve on. Your resume is your selling point if it does not impress people and market you, you need to know about it and rectify it before going for any other interviews.

By asking an interviewer if there’s something missing or of concern on your resume, you give yourself an opportunity to address that problem before your potential employer makes a decision. It might open the door to showcasing more of your strengths and interests.

When can I expect to hear from you?

You should always know when they plan on giving you a response to your application. It allows you to be able to plan your schedule an dpossibly prepare to start a new job if all goes well. It will also let you when and if you should call back to ask if the position was filled if you get a call back.