Ways to get over writer’s block as a blogger

Have you ever looked at your blog, noticed there has been no post for a month and couldn’t come up with anything to post about? You look around you but nothing seems to inspire generation of new content. It’s called writer’s block; something I like to refer to as creative juices running low.

I love blogging, but as much as I’m into sharing half of the ideas and thoughts that cross my mind, I go through writer’s block more than I’d like. It could be because I’m too busy with other stuff or I’m just too lazy to come up with a logical thought and write it. But I’ve learnt a few things that help me out of that funk.
Here are a few things that could help you out

Find a Quote
The internet is full of quotes that could easily give you content for a post. Find a quote from someone you like, or about something you went through in life, then write about it. Or you could simply write and analyse how a particular quote makes no sense. All you need to do is understand the quote and let it inspire you to write something original from it.
Post a Video
Videos are the future of blogging. If writing really isn’t working at the moment, why not post up a video? It could be a funny clip you came across or a new music video by your favourite artist. Write a short commentary to go along with it. Express how it made you feel, what you thought about it. You can never go wrong with a video on your blog.
Ask a Question
Reader engagement is something to try out in your blog. You have to be able to converse with the people who read your content. Asking a question is one way to do this. If you have absolutely nothing new to write about, just jot down that one question you want to ask your reader and ask them to answer it. Chances are by the end of the engagement, they might have given you some ideas for a new post.
Make a List
I am not a huge fan of lists on blogs but if you have nothing to write, then a list will do. Try making a list of your favourite African authors or maybe your favourite hang-out places or apps. Make it interesting by explaining why they made it to your list. Lists are fun to write, but you shouldn’t make everything in your blog all about lists. Keep it as a last resort for when writer’s block sets in.
Blogging should be something enjoyable. When writer’s block sets in and you really can’t get out of it, step away from the computer. Relax and try out these tips without putting too much pressure on yourself.
I hope this tips will help you out the next time your in a funk and have no idea what to write.