Tips to help you pick a domain name


A domain name can make or break your business or blog. It’s the key to the amount of traffic your site receives and it portrays the image people have of your business. Before setting up your website, you have to think long and hard about the domain name.

Here are a few tips to help you in making the decision.

Keep It Simple

Simplicity is key in selecting a domain name. Choose a name people will remember easily. You can be creative but if you  go down that road, remember that a creative name does not mean people will remember it at the top of your head. It’s better to form a name that reads out a sentence or statement.

Know Your Competition

Who else is running a business similar to yours? Look at their company name and avoid getting a domain thst would spell out that name. You might lose traffic if your domain name relates to your competition. Go for a different name unrelated to the competition but still link it to your business.

Consider SERPs

SERPs, are search engine results. Your domain name needs to appear among popular search results on Google. Get a domain name that is SERP-friendly. Keep this in mind when making a shortlist of domain names.

Be Obvious

Sometimes subtlety is lost on people. Let your domain name clearly state what your business is all about. When people look at your domain name, they should get an idea of what to expect. If you will talk about fashion, give a hint of that in your domain name.

Beware of misinterpretation

Sometimes the words you pick can lead to misinterpretation of the site and the business. Write down the name and see if the message you have in mind is what will come out when others read it. For example, “Who Represents,” a guide to Hollywood celebrities and their agents made the unfortunate mistake of registering Such misinterpretations is what you need to avoid.

These are just a few ideas to help you along the way. Don’t rush your decision; your domain name represents your brand. Consider things carefully, keep these tips in mind and choose a domain that will make you proud.