Today I remembered one of my Home science lessons in high school. Who ever thought that bananas can be used for anything else other than smoothies and snacks? There are many other uses like medicinal, beauty, and culinary . Well, did you know that you can clean using this fruit?
Bananas are rich in potassium which is good for leather products.
Your Leather needs a quick polish? Get those banana peels, remove the stringy part and smear the insides of the peel and use it as a polish. Rub it with a piece of cloth until it shines. We used to rub leather in circular motion to produce that desirable shine. I prefer bananas on handbags, jackets and sofas because they will not stain other things that come into contact with them. I often feel like polishing my leather bags but fear that the color of the polish would stain my clothes. No need to worry about that, now that I have my fruit.
The one tip that prompted me to write this article is cleaning leather shoes. It’s time to go to work, or take your child to school. You notice your shoe polish is finished and you don’t have time to go shopping. Don’t fret, just apply the banana peel and buff with a soft cloth to shine. “Remember the circular motion”, our home science teacher used to say. No one will notice you have polished your shoes with bananas.
House plants that have gathered dust can be polished using something natural. Banana peels will do the trick. Just dust them gently with piece of soft cloth or feather brush and smear the insides of a banana peel. Use a soft fiber cloth to wipe off the residue. Now stand back and enjoy the shine.
Wood furniture looks like it’s lost its luster? Bananas will do the trick. Just apply the insides of the peels on wooden surfaces and wipe using soft cloth. Buff in the same manner as the tips above, and voila! The wood that seemed gloomy has gained life.
Teeth whitening? Oh yes! Just brush your teeth normally, then rub your teeth with the insides of a banana peel. Do this twice a day. You have to brush before applying the peel so as not to clean off the whitening minerals. Bananas not only contain potassium, they also have high levels of magnesium and manganese, which can help to whiten teeth. Results can be seen in two weeks.
Who would have thought banana peels could be this useful? I too was surprised.