Best Photography Blog – Nominees

Blogs that showcase original photos or have photography related content.

This god fearing photographer desire is to create custom made professional photos to suite your taste & preference.
He also does a complete & professional touch ups & digital enhancement on request

The author is an artist (draws, sketches, molds stuff). He loves drawing, illustration, photography, architectural visualization but Photography is his latest obsession. He loves to get his adrenaline pounding by riding motorbikes, mountain climbing, and (if he got a chance) para troop and ski. He is a career Architect working as an Interior designer. He studied architecture in Jomo Kenyatta University in Kenya and is currently employed as an Interior designer.

The authors interest in photography came up when he got my first film camera. He has always loved to play around with various mediums of photography.

As a Senior Art Director, he loves to work with great pictures during his concept work. He has now taken up photography and will click at almost anything around him.

The author is passionate about renewable energy. Graphic design, wind energy and everything that  starts and ends with electricity. Apart from that, He enjoys landscape photography

What started as a simple idea of updating shots taken from home to school over a year and a half ago soon turned out be one of the best info sources for the Nairobi-Thika Highway Improvement Project.

A structural engineer by day, the author is attracted to anything that offers insight into the way the world works (from Social to Tech). With photography, the abstract pleasures around us are not so abstract anymore. The ability to freeze a moment and most times out of context is in my opinion simply awesome. There’s really an infinite, unexplored universe which, for me, never gets old. Somehow we get more out of life when we pause it. So today stop, stare… maybe even strike a pose!