Best Tweep – Individual – Nominees

The best individual twitter user in Kenya.

Twitter Bio: I should warn you before I start throwing idiocy around, because someone might get seriously hurt, but I probably won’t…. [The bear made me do it] ? •?•?!/__ramzzy__

Twitter Bio: ? Sanguine| Banter| Sarcasm| #RedArmy| HIPHOP| Art Shinja| Sugar-Free 2cents: Different Perspective| Twaddict| Be part of the hand but stand out like a thumb

Twitter Bio: We’re not special, but we’re just one of GOD’s limited editions | GOD doesn’t have a TWITTER account, but we follow Him †

Twitter Bio: Emmy-Award winning Journalist with an MBS (Moran of The Burning Spear) from the President of Kenya. Author, Husband, Father and ALL KENYAN, ALL THE TIME!!

Twitter Bio: Writer, speaker, teacher, drumbeater