Have you ever written a post, gotten a lot of feedback yet more than half of it is negative? It’s sometimes disheartening when people attack you on your blog especially if all of it is baseless negativity. Accepting and dealing with such comments is something many bloggers need to learn to do.
Here are a few strategies that will help you in the long run
Be prepared for the negativity.
Negativity is one thing you will always get o your blog. You have to be prepared on how to deal with it. The best way is to have a standard response to these comments. You should let it be known from the get-go about what is and isn’t acceptable on your comment section.
Create a comment policy. This will make it easy to be able to respond to comments as people have a guideline on what you will respond to and they know that their comments will be deleted if they are negative.
Moderate your comments
Most blogging platforms particularly WordPress have options to help you set up moderation for your comments. You should set it such that comments are not put up without your approval. You should also set it such that people have to leave their details like an email address when commenting.
Moderation will help you know who is really behind the comment and you can therefore contact them in person and respond without flooding your blogpost with back and forth conversations.
Respond to it
As much as we would all love to ignore such comments, you have to respond to it. Responding will generate conversation on your blog and will also bring validity to your post as you explain your point of view. Only respond to legitimate concerns.
One thing you have to remember is to be polite at all times in your response. Be the bigger person and don’t hurl insults at anyone. Get your facts to back up your statements. Clarify what you mean and ensure it will not be taken out of context
Ignore hostile comments
Yes you should respond to the negative comments. But you also have to ignore the hostile comments. Comments that are hurtful and are only used to show hate without a valid reason for the negativity should be ignored. Name calling and cursing are among the few things I would suggest you delete. If possible don’t approve them.
Blogs should be treated with respect. While constructive criticism is okay, the hater attitude many adapt is unacceptable in the comment section. You need to be firm and address legitimate concerns. Set precedence where people know you will not attack them if they disagree with your views. If you respect the people who comment, they will in turn respect you and you can be civil dialogue on the comment section.
When you embark on blogging, know what you are getting yourself into and be prepared for both negative and positive feedback. Being prepared for both eventualities will make it easier in the long run
Dealing with negative comments on your blog
Have you ever written a post, gotten a lot of feedback yet more than half of it is negative? It’s sometimes disheartening when people attack you on your blog especially if all of it is baseless negativity. Accepting and dealing with such comments is something many bloggers need to learn to do.
Here are a few strategies that will help you in the long run
Be prepared for the negativity.
Negativity is one thing you will always get o your blog. You have to be prepared on how to deal with it. The best way is to have a standard response to these comments. You should let it be known from the get-go about what is and isn’t acceptable on your comment section.
Create a comment policy. This will make it easy to be able to respond to comments as people have a guideline on what you will respond to and they know that their comments will be deleted if they are negative.
Moderate your comments
Most blogging platforms particularly WordPress have options to help you set up moderation for your comments. You should set it such that comments are not put up without your approval. You should also set it such that people have to leave their details like an email address when commenting.
Moderation will help you know who is really behind the comment and you can therefore contact them in person and respond without flooding your blogpost with back and forth conversations.
Respond to it
As much as we would all love to ignore such comments, you have to respond to it. Responding will generate conversation on your blog and will also bring validity to your post as you explain your point of view. Only respond to legitimate concerns.
One thing you have to remember is to be polite at all times in your response. Be the bigger person and don’t hurl insults at anyone. Get your facts to back up your statements. Clarify what you mean and ensure it will not be taken out of context
Ignore hostile comments
Yes you should respond to the negative comments. But you also have to ignore the hostile comments. Comments that are hurtful and are only used to show hate without a valid reason for the negativity should be ignored. Name calling and cursing are among the few things I would suggest you delete. If possible don’t approve them.
Blogs should be treated with respect. While constructive criticism is okay, the hater attitude many adapt is unacceptable in the comment section. You need to be firm and address legitimate concerns. Set precedence where people know you will not attack them if they disagree with your views. If you respect the people who comment, they will in turn respect you and you can be civil dialogue on the comment section.
When you embark on blogging, know what you are getting yourself into and be prepared for both negative and positive feedback. Being prepared for both eventualities will make it easier in the long run