I struggle with the concept of what makes a great blog post. One thing that comes to mind is good, consistent content. It’s a struggle getting this at all times. Not everyone has the gift of getting out stellar content at all times. To do this, there are a few elements of a blog post you need to keep in mind. No matter what you write about – personal style, fashion trends, industry news, whatever – or how much you write, awesome blog posts tend to have these similar elements.
All your posts need to have a beginning, middle and end. Think of it as a foundation that holds the content together. While we all assume that this is something obvious to people, most end up having jumbled up posts. Ensure that everything flows smoothly and will make sense. Your audience will sense when your structure isn’t stable.
What exactly are you telling your readers? Once you have your structure, you have to communicate to your readers. Think of your message and word it in a way that it makes sense and is interesting. Give your content some substance. Make an effort to say something in a way that no one else in your field would.
Sometimes I read a blog and i feel like the blogger is really talking to me. I can hear their voice in my head. Some may call it crazy but this is an element of blogging you need to have. Give your posts your personality. When you word your posts, “write like you talk”.
It goes without saying, images make or a break a post. Pick out a fantastic and compelling image for your posts. Let it be something that explains what the post is about but will not deter anyone form reading the rest of the content.
Before you hit “publish” on your post, you need to edit your post. Proof read it, check spelling and grammar. Ensure that the message you had in mind is what is put across. If possible you can have someone else go through the content first and get an unbiased opinion on it.
This list should help you have an easier time when blogging. The next time you have a post to publish, give this list a run-through!