Safaricom confirms sponsorship of the Kenyan Blog Awards 2014

Safaricom CEO, Bob Collymore
Safaricom CEO, Bob Collymore

We are happy to announce that Safaricom, the biggest mobile operator in Kenya, has once again come on board as a sponsor for the Kenyan Blog Awards 2014.

In announcing the sponsorship the Safaricom Director Corporate Affairs Nzioka Waita, had this to say:

“The online community is a critical part of our ecosystem. Safaricom has partnered with BAKE over the last years to recognize exceptional creativity, in-depth insightful writing and consistency. We have seen tremendous growth in terms of content and creativity while not forgetting the growth in breadth of the topical areas covered in the Kenyan blogs. We therefore urge everyone to go online and vote for their favorite blogs”

About The BAKE Blog Awards

The BAKE Blog Awards rewards bloggers that post on a regular basis, have great and useful content, are creative and innovative.

These awards represent BAKE’s efforts in the promotion of quality content creation.