Nailab extends application deadline for new incubates

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There’s good news for upcoming start-ups as Nailab has extended the application process for the 4th group of incubates. The deadline was 25 April but has been extended to 2 May 2014

Nailab has to date incubated a total 25 start ups of which 6 companies.i.e Ghafla, Sematime, Cardplanet, Ukall, Eneza, Ghafla, Duma Gigwapi and my order of the Season 1 and Season 2 lot is still operational.

4 companies of season 3 who are expected to graduate at the end of next month have so far received great traction and have shown great potential for expansion. The start-ups are Keja hunt, Sokotext, Go-kibali and Cladlight

Those who apply for incubation will be the second batch of entrepreneurs incubated under the ICT board contract

Any business is legible for application to be incubated. The solutions/ business however need to building based on technology as the enabler.

Some tips for successful application are

Avoid marketing jargon that borders on overselling your product.
Avoid statements like “we are the best” and “ We don’t face any competition”. Instead explain why you feel that you are the best. What makes your product unique to qualify it as the best?
Ensure to include a prototype to your business
To apply go to

Successful applicants will start the program in the month of June through to November 2014.