Full list of BAKE Kenyan Blog Awards 2014 Winners

Below is the full list of BAKE Kenya Blog award winners for 2014. The winners were picked through a process that started with submissions by bloggers, readers and virtually any person who has access to the internet in 17 categories. The submissions were then taken through a phase of trimming and pruning by independent judges who then gave us a list of 5 blogs per category for which readers would vote for.

This is the list of the blogs you chose as the best blogs in each category.

  1. Best Technology Blog

  2. Best Photography Blog

  3. Best Creative Writing Blog

  4. Best Business Blog

  5. Best Food Blog

  6. Best Environmental/Agricultural Blog

  7. Best Fashion/Beauty/Hair/Style Blog

  8. Best Politics Blog

  9. Best New Blog

  10. Best Corporate Blog

  11. Best Topical Blog

  12. Best Sports Blog (A tie)

  13. Best Entertainment/Lifestyle Blog

  14. Best Travel Blog

  15. Best Health Blog

  16. Best County Blog

  17. Best Kenyan Blog of the Year

Let’s meet next year for the next Blog Awards, and make sure you are blogging then if you are not already!