Blogging is becoming more and more popular across the globe. As much as we enjoy getting a wider audience, there are still challenges we go through. One in particular stands out; that of freedom of expression and its limitations forever plagues us.
Bloggers across the globe are being arrested and having blogs being shut down despite there being no laws set down to dictate their offences.
Indeed, Last month, 6 bloggers and 3 Journalists were charged with attempting to incite violence in Ethiopia. All nine are still in custody whilst police investigate allegations that the individuals have been “using social media to destabilize the country”.
A protest hash tag, #Freezone9bloggers has been created to call for their release.
We at Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE ) stand for the freedom of bloggers not just in Kenya but also in Africa to put up content without being targeted. We have signed the petition to have the Ethiopian bloggers released. We encourage the Kenyan blogging community to show their solidarity with the Ethiopian Bloggers for their release. We also encourage all Kenyan Bloggers to add their voice to the campaign.
You can join the campaign by following this link http://advocacy.globalvoicesonline.org/2014/05/03/4-ways-you-can-join-the-freezone9bloggers-campaign/