Farmingafrika.com was named the Best Environmental/agricultural blog in the Kenyan blog awards 2014. The blog is run by 23 year old Eric Kimwatan. The blog is a blend of his love for IT and agribusiness.
Farming Afrika is aimed at helping new and established farmers succeed in farming. It also aims at changing the way people traditionally thought of farming. The blog was inspired by his own personal experiences where he found it difficult to get relevant information on farming. In most cases he had to physically visit farms to get this information. he figured that this could prove difficult for new farmers who dint know anyone in the industry. So he and a colleague of mine started sharing information learnt while visiting farms. When he started his own farming ventures, he included his experience, mistakes and lessons learnt. He also get experts in different sectors e.g dairy farming to write as guests writers on the blog.
We spoke to him to get insight on the blog and this is what he had to say:
1. How does it feel to have won the Best environmental/Agricultural blog in the Kenyan Blog Awards 2014?
It always feels great to be noticed/appreciated especially after putting in a lot of hard work.
2. What are your thoughts on the Kenyan Blog Awards?
I think it is a wonderful initiative that could really revolutionize the blogging scene. I’ve always believed that it was an untapped industry but thanks to BAKE and the awards the future of blogging is now looking bright
3. Who/what is your motivation to blog?
The thought that I could play a part in helping someone have a little less challenges in farming.
4. What should people expect from your blog in future?
I intend to include other forms of media. More videos and other downloadable resources. I also intend to provide more content on “how to” especially since farming is a practical thing and some simple things could really frustrate farmers.
We also intend to address some challenges farmers face e.g. access to vet’s, agronomists etc. We are actually in the process of developing a platform for that. It should be out really soon.
5. What are your top 3 Kenyan blogs and why?
Techmoran – Being an IT guy I can relate to their posts.
Rockesci – I find them to be unique and their blogs are fun and informative at the same time.
Bikozulu- He is extremely creative in hi writing. It always guarantees a god read.
6. What advice would you give to upcoming bloggers?
I would advice upcoming bloggers is to observe quality of content. On the internet Content is King and they should always post content that people would find useful. Readers should leave your blog a more informed lot.