Last week we posted that we were looking for guest posts. A lot of people have sent in work which is great, but it’s also raised some questions about guest posts and their acceptance. Sometimes you put effort into your work only for it to be rejected. This article will give you some tips on how to ensure your guest posts are always accepted.
Read and Follow the Guidelines
If you send in work, stick to the rules set out. If they requested for a post with 100 words, then stick to that. Do not attempt to create your own rules as your work will get thrown out. Each blog has different rules for you to follow. Read through each of them carefully before you send in your work.
Have a fresh set of eyes look over the post before sending it
As much as we all love to believe we are great writers, it never hurts to have someone else read your work before you send in. Someone else is more likely to notice a missing full stop or an incomplete trail of thought in your. It will also mean the person reading the work needs to do very little editing meaning your post is guaranteed to be in the approved pile.
Edit Your Guest Post Thoroughly
It goes without saying that you should ever send in an article without editing it. The blog will request some changes, but if you did thorough editing the changes should be minimal. Ensure that your trail of thought flows completely and draws to an end in the post. Check for typos and grammar mistakes.
Time Your Follow-Up Email Carefully
Once you send the post, it’s always good to follow up on the submission. You should however not overdo it. Some Blogs get numerous submissions, so give them time to go through each one before they respond to you. Give it about a week and a half before you do a follow-up. It would also be bad if 2 months after your submission, you still haven’t emailed about your post.
Have you had your guest post approved? What tips can you share to ease the process for other bloggers.