So you’ve been at home all day just lounging not dong much about anything. Then your parents, boyfriend or friends decide to call and say they are in the neighbourhood din a few minutes. Panic sets in as you realise the house is not clean enough. You have minutes to spare so a deep and thorough clean is out of the question. There’s no need to panic, you can cheat and make it look like you actually did some chores.
Here are a few sneaky tips I always find handy at such times.
There’s always that area in your home that people use the most. It’s the direct path to everywhere and a lot of dust accumulates as the move from room to room. Do a once-over and sweep up these areas. Focus on the areas you are sure your guests will see- the living room and main hallways.
If you’re like me, you probably have things in all the wrong places at one time or another. When you don’t have time to pick up everything and store them in their rightful place, a laundry basket will come in handy. Just put in everything at once and store it in a closet or basement until your guests leave.
Making the bed is the easiest way to make your bedroom look neat and tidy. Fix up the sheets and throw the covers over them. Fluff the pillows and you’re good to go. Making the bed will also help you see what else is out of place and you can fix that as well
Dishes are one thing that will scream out loud “I’ve been lazing around all day”. Do a quick rinse of everything and have the sink looking empty. It will also give your kitchen cleaner feel instantly and will make it easier to prepare a light meal for your guests.
Guests are bound to use the bathroom at some point. Drop some clean water, wipe down the walls and sink as well. If you have rugs, shake them out and take out any wet towels. Lastly, get some scented soap in the bathroom and some air freshener.
Once you’ve tried all this, the next thing is turning down the lights. Draw the curtains a little bit and prepare to entertain your guests!
These tips have saved my skin a few times and are bound to do the same for you.