Blog stats are one thing bloggers check on a regular basis. Wanting to know who visits your blogs and how often is not a bad thing. The spikes you see in the stats can be from your friend or strangers. You need to understand each visitor so you can know how to engage them on your blog.
Here is a list of the most common blog visitors.
Critics have one mission when they visit your blog; to state an opinion. Most times their opinions will be negative or contradictory to what you have said. They tend to subscribe to lots of RSS feeds and then will visit your site when they want to leave a comment. I love critics because their opinions add to the conversation.
How to handle critics: Enjoy and reward their banter. They live to talk and get attention, give i to them without having a heated conversation. Use their words to put your point across in a more firm way
There is always that one blog visitor who will keep coming back to your site. Most times they are looking for ideas so they can create content or they want to get attention to their blog through yours.
How to handle repeaters: Show them your appreciation. Reach out to them on social media, follow them on Twitter or friend them on Facebook. If they leave a trackback on your blog, go and comment on theirs.
Linkers are a blogger’s best friend. They are the people who constantly share posts on social media. They are like living aggregators. When they find something they like, chances are they will not comment, but they will link.
How to handle linkers: They will love being the first to get information. So keep them in the loop at all times. When you put up a new post, give them a shout out so they can be the first to share.
These are visitors who come to your blog looking for something. They landed on your site because your blog was in the search results they are looking for. It could be an image they want or information you have written on. Thank God for Google because without it, these visitors would never visit your blog.
How to handle Googlers: They are a difficult bunch to handle. The key is making your posts as informative as possible. Handle the topic in a way that if they land on your blog, they leave having gotten answers to their questions.
I don’t know who is more annoying; trolls or critics? Blog trolls are people who hang around waiting for you to say something they can feast on. They will read and re-read your posts looking for one discrepancy or inaccuracy so they can call you out on it. They try to use your words against you or otherwise stir up trouble.
How to handle trolls: There are two ways ot handle them; ignore them or call them out. If you decide to respond, keep it calm and do not resort to insults.