In the month of June, BAKE launched the “Tumetoka Mbali” social media day competition. The competition ran under the hashtag #SMDayKe.
The aim was to capture what life was like before the onslaught of social media. Participants were to use any social media tool to share stories related to that time in life and tie it to social media. The winner was based on creativity and relevance to social media.
The winner, who walks away with a Nokia XL, was picked by judges; Sam Gichuru, Nguru Mugendi and Martin Gicheru. The phone is courtesy of Microsoft Devices (formely Nokia)
On June 30th, BAKE and the Nailab held a social media day cocktail were a report on the state of social media was unveiled as well as the winner of the competition.
The winner of the competition is Linda Wawira. Her winning tweet was about capturing moments. She posted about what we all considered to be Instagram, i.e photo albums.
Here is a screenshot of her winning tweet.