#SMDayKe 2014 review

Monday June 30th saw the world mark the 5th annual Social Media day. Kenya was not left behind and joined in the celebrations.There were several hangouts held across town with the day culminating i a cocktail held at the Nailab.

On Social Media and Governance, one thing that came out clearly is that the government should use Social Media. Crimes are being reported over the platforms and they should tap into it. There was also the question of rules in terms of regulating social media particularly blogs.

Dennis Itumbi, the Director of Emerging Media and Diaspora suggested that a body needs to be formed to govern bloggers. Just like the media did when forming the Media Council, bloggers need something along the same lines.

Corporates also got to have their say in how and why they sue social media. Most companies are now going that way. It is a way to boost sales, reduce costs on advertising and reach their customers and clients faster. The one thing they need to do is invest in professionals to handle their social media. This will prevent too much info from going out to the public and they will maintain their identity online.

You can get more info on the talks on these videos: