Guest blogging practices you should know

Communication; this is all blogging is about. It’s a chance to share your thoughts and opinions on a particular subject to your readers. It involves human to human communication. Once you realise this, you are set to make an impact in the blogging world. Being invited to write a guest post on another blog is one sure way of communicating your message and you need to take full advantage of it.

If you are a new blogger, you can benefit by writing guest posts on another blog. It can help you add to your reputation and drive traffic to your blog. BAKE has been looking to get guest posts to help different bloggers get discovered and one question everybody asks is “how can I make the best out of this?”. This post will give you steps you can take to make the best use of this method of blogging and answer that question.

Find blogs in your niche

BAKE accepts guest posts from all niches, but when you are not dealing with such a blog, it is best to find people in your area of expertise. Reach out to bloggers who write the same content as you and write posts for them. Such posts get more traffic as you appeal to the same audience on both blogs. Create a spreadsheet with the blogs you submit posts so you can track which posts have been accepted.

Start at the bottom

Don’t be too ambitious and target the most popular blogs. Such blogs tend to have a lot going on and might overlook your post or shut you down and leave you feeling less confident. Build your way up with blogs that a smaller (but loyal) readership. Use this as a way to improve your writing and have your work speak for itself. As you write more, the big blogs will look for you rather than you looking to for them to guest post.

Balance your links

When you guest post, do not feel the article with too many links. Instead, restrict yourself to just one or 2 links to your site. It will also help if you add a link to posts on your host’s blog. Having too many links is distracting as people have to click the link and read a different article before they continue with what you wrote. Balancing out your links makes you look unbiased and it also helps you with the flow of your content as you do not have to refer to other posts for reference.

Give it your best

Some people tend to be less focused and dedicated when writing guest posts. They think that since it won’t b eon their own blog, they don’t need to work on it too much. Never make this mistake. Write as if it were the most important post you will ever write. A guest post is like an advertisement for you, and it needs to showcase your best. Work effortlessly to make the post as perfect as possible.

With these practices, you should be able to submit great guest posts and become a blogger of repute. Be persevering and committed and the guest posts will pay off in the end

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