5 blogging milestones to celebrate


Blogging is not easy, once you embark on the journey, every post is an achievement. You end up celebrating the smallest milestones. It could be when you got the first comment or first follower. No matter how small the milestone, every achievement is cause for celebration.

Here are 8 milestones that every blogger should celebrate:

1. Your first post

Managing to put up and publish your first post is an achievement worth throwing a party for. The first post needs to be perfect and it will set the tone of your blog. The moment you can piece together words and publish that first post, you should celebrate. That first post is often the inspiration for more great content and growth of your blog. Give yourself a pat on the back for your first post.

2. Getting 100,000 hits

A hit refers to a successful connection to a server where a website is hosted. When you get to have 100,000 hits, it’s a big milestone. It shows you that people are actually interested in your content. A hit needs all the content including your images. Getting to 100,000 hits is no easy fete and you should rejoice when that happens.

3. Reaching 100 published posts

How long does it take you to come up with a new post? A week? A month? If it takes you that long, reaching a 100 published posts on your site will be a huge milestone. If you come up with one post a week, 1`00 posts will be 100weeks which is 2 years. That wait is definitely long and you should definitely talk about it and enjoy the feeling of having so many posts on your blog.

4. Getting your 100th subscriber

As much as people will read your blogs, not everyone will subscribe to get updates every time you post. It is a big deal when you can have 100 people willingly sign up to get notified whenever you post.

5. Self hosting your blog

How awesome is it when you finally move to have your own website? Your blog no longer has the .wordpress.com or .blospot.com linked to it. You have more freedom on what to do with that design and layout. You own that domain and it is something worth rejoicing.