Rapid Communications app Launch at the Nailab


On Tuesday 4th November 2014, Rapid Communications is set to launch a few new products into the market.

Rapid Communications is a telecommunications solution provider that deals with a wide range of services such as mobile financial services, value added services, applications and solutions, marketing, branding and communications, Startimes devices, etc.

We will be hosting them at the Nailab as they showcase the following products

Elefone app – a social media app that gives you the best of what Facebook and Twitter have to offer

Vooka – an online product where people can watch Startimes pay TV channels on their mobile phones

Tuask.com –  a directory service that will be used to access locations online, get reviews of places and when offline, the user can call a hotline number to get directions.

We invite you to join us for the launch and get to know more about how Rapid Communications can help ease your social media experience and use your phone to watch all your favorite shows.

Full Details

What: Rapid Communications App launch

When: Tuesday 4th November, 6.00pm- 8.00pm

Where: Nailab, 4th floor Bishop Magua Centre, Ngong Road, Opposite Uchumi Hyper