Types of blog posts that need more than written content


Sometimes a blog post will need you to write up to 100 words to convey a full message. Sometimes all you need is a few photos and you’re good to go. Knowing the balance of when to use photos or written content is important. You need to know your audience and decide what type of content they will relate to better for a particular post.

Photography posts obviously need photos at all times. But there are quite a few more posts that people are not aware will need photos as well as some written content.

Travel posts

If you’re writing about places to visit or places you have visited, it’s always a good idea to have images accompany the content. You can write about the places and describe them but the audience will be more appreciative if you add a few more photos to show them what exactly you’re talking about.

Art and film review posts

If you’re writing about or reviewing arts, then your posts will need images. It doesn’t matter if it’s about a play, gallery opening or film. You need to give your readers something to base their reactions on. If you’re trying to convey sadness, you need to give something that will evoke that emoting and words might not be enough.  One thing you should do is get permission to share images of the art you are talking about. If that doesn’t work, you can Google images to accompany the posts. The idea is to give your post a punch and your readers will relate better to it.

How-to blog posts

Readers love p0sts that give them tips and guidelines on how to do something. As you write out instructions for your audience, you should get visuals to better elaborate your instructions. You can use videos or pictures it’s all about making It easier for your readers to follow instructions with visuals.

Cooking posts

Food bloggers can attest to the fact that you can’t do a food post without visuals. You should include videos or photos of the food you’re talking about. If it’s a recipe you’re giving, you should give images to show the step by step process of how you get to the final result. Don’t assume your reads know what each step refers to. Show them using visuals what you’re referring to.

Design posts

Posts based on design like architecture or interior design are not popular but those who do them need to invest in visual content. If you’re talking about the layout of a house or a certain shade of paint, you need to show people what you’re talking about. In some cases, people reading your post will not be familiar with certain professional terms. It’s better to have images or videos to ensure there’s no confusion.

As you add images and videos to your content, it’s always good to use the right size and don’t overdo the number you use. Only pick the relevant ones to convey the message clearly.

What other posts do you think need more than written content?

Many blogs could bolster rankings by including more visuals. Are you missing out on an entire demographic because you’re stuck in text content only mode?