There are different types of blog posts and each has its merits. Understanding the type of post you’re writing is the key to keeping your audience interested in your blog. One post that is always popular and even has the capability of going viral is the list blog post. People seem to go crazy over them.
List blog posts look easy to do but that is not 100% accurate. Before you hit publish on that list blog post, there are a few things you need to keep in mind if you want the post to generate a lot of traffic. Here are a few things you should bear in mind when doing a list blog post.
The post should be current
Let the topics or issue you address with the list be something people are talking about. Look at the trends on social media or media outlets. Find out what people are talking about or what they want to know more about. If it’s a trending topic, your list will probably go viral.
The lists should be unique
If you really must do a list blog post, let whatever issue you address be something unique. Read blogs and see what others are writing bout and ensure your blog post does not duplicate what is on other blogs. It should be something that cannot be found elsewhere as this is the only way you can have people interested in reading what you write.
The list should be accurate
Getting your facts right in a list blog post is very important. Do research and ensure what you’re quoting is true at all times. If you do a list blog post that has false content, it’s bound to make you lose the credibility you have with your readers.
The list should be informative
When you come up with a list blog post, it needs to be about informing your readers about something. Let the list have some relevance and context to them. There needs to be an end game as to why you came up with that list. The reader should be left feeling like it was worth reading the post rather than have many unanswered questions.
It should be engaging
A great list blog post is without a doubt one that engages the readers. It should be funny and have some sort of value that will urge them to talk about the post, share it and even comment after reading. If the list does not make them think about what they’ve read, it wasn’t engaging.
What other qualities do you think a list blog post should have?