XPOSE To Partner With BAKE For Kenyan Blog Awards

XPOSE's work at the BAKE awards 2014.
XPOSE’s work at the BAKE awards 2014.

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The Kenyan Blog Awards are here with us, and are currently at the blog submission phase till February 18th 2015. The awards are our way of recognizing Kenya’s awesome blogging talent.

XPOSE Limited, a private full-service event planning and management company, is on board as one of the sponsors of the awards this year. In fact, the company has sponsored this annual competition for two years and are on board for the third time.

When XPOSE opened its doors in 2006, the proprietor’s humble dream was simply to hire out the best projectors in town. The company has since grown to provide much better and more advanced products in response to market dynamics and change in demand patterns. XPOSE is now a fully fledged visual solutions provider and have been, and continue to be the brains and workmanship behind many big event screen setups in town. They pride themselves in working with among others SOMA awards, CBA Concours D’elegance and of course BAKE awards.

XPOSE’s willingness to partner with the Kenyan Blog Awards stems from the simple fact that they’re fascinated by the growing field of blogs. They love the idea of a reward mechanism for the same and are proud to be part of it. Furthermore, they believe that it pays for any brand to associate with the tech space, and more so the online space.

It has not been difficult for the two companies to build a relationship because they have something in common – that of being open to new ideas. Within this mutually beneficial relationship, XPOSE is therefore free to showcase their creativity without being fitted into a box, and BAKE has been able to enjoy very good and creative event set ups. As a direct result of this long standing partnership, XPOSE has managed to know and work with some more clients.

Xpose prides itself in doing something different. This is in tandem with their tagline – A different experience.