In January this year, we launched a university chapter in Dedan Kimathi University of Technology in Nyeri. The launch of Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKuT) Chapter as a club complete with officials, a logo as well as members recruited from the university community was a culmination of months of planning following an earlier training done in Nyeri town where the students who made up the majority, requested that we go back and train them again.
The chapter has taken shape and pretty fast and is already organizing blogathons, the first of which was held last month under the theme ‘African liberation efforts through the eyes of technology’.
This time round starting March 21st to 27th 2015, the chapter will be holding yet another blogathon to talk about different aspects of love and this will involve creative writing on blogs as well as micro blogging on twitter under the hashtag #RainbowLove.
This is a surefire way of improving content creation where the blog community members can complement each other’s work and help each other grow.
This blogpost has more on that, as well as details on how to enter.