BAKE joins activists in #SoldierOn campaign

Photo from @WanjeriNderu
Photo from @WanjeriNderu

On Friday 3, 2015, BAKE together with other bloggers and internet activists stood in solidarity with Wanjeri Nderu, a social activist who was assaulted for being vocal on matters of corruption. Follow the story here.

The assault on Ms. Nderu occurred a day after her fellow activist Boniface Mwangi was clobbered and booked in at the Central Police station on allegations of assaulting APs at City Hall and resisting arrest. He was later released on a Sh50, 000 bond. You can read the story here.

The online campaign under the Hashtag, #SoldierOn received massive support from several internet activists.
Some of the tweets are here.

We the community of bloggers support the constitutional right of freedom of expression. We therefore come out to condemn any attack on people trying to hold their leaders accountable. This is why we are calling on the authorities to investigate the attack.

Wanjeri has since recovered from the attack as she says on her twitter account.