How can something that looks good on paper contribute to your detriment? Well, as a woman, I have the bragging rights to this one quality. I multi task all the time, sometimes it leads to great results while sometimes, it derails you from achieving your goals.
Human Multi-tasking is the performance of an individual by handling more than one task simultaneously. Women are more prone to the habit than men. Scientists have found that the female brain is ‘hard-wired’ to be better at multitasking. Men’s brains, in comparison, are better at concentrating on single complex tasks – whether it be reading a map or cooking a meal.
What you call multitasking is really task-switching, says Guy Winch, PhD. Several studies have found that multitasking can actually result in us wasting around 20-40 percent of our time, depending on what we’re trying to do. The simple reason that multitasking doesn’t work is because we can’t actually focus on more than one task at a time. But we think we can – so we multitask to try and get more done.
Some warning signs that you are multi-tasking is leading to unproductive results are:
- Several tabs open on your computer.
- Experiencing mental exhaustion without achieving much.
- Running out of time while executing your tasks.
- Having several tasks left hanging e.g. typing an email and leaving it half done, only to realize you did not press send, 3 hours later.
- Having a cluttered desk or house.
- Having unexplained migraines and headaches.
Possible solutions
- Be kind to yourself and make to do lists each day.
- Prioritize your tasks in their order of importance.
- Focus your energies on one task at a time.
- Tick off the completed tasks on your list.
- Reward yourself at the end of the day for accomplishing the tasks.
Multi-taking as we have seen, does not always produce positive results. It can be counter productive.