Unhealthy eating habits are common in today’s society. This is because of the over-hyped adverts on the media and the packaging of processed foods. We all need to eat healthy diets to avoid lifestyle diseases such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
It may be as easy as making a decision to switch to healthy a diet and stick to it for an adult. A child on the other hand may prove to be a hard nut to crack when it comes to introducing healthy diets.
The amount of time a child spends on the TV screen is one factor that shapes his or her perception of what’s tasty or not. Advertisers are aware of this fact and so target their ads to suit their audience. They know that attractive packaging and commercials will shape their clients’ taste. Television is good for entertainment but should be regulated for children. Parents should explain to children that not everything that looks good on adverts is good for their health.
Children tend to want things that they consider adult food. They learn a lot from grownups’ eating habits. If you enjoy your healthy vegetables, your child will definitely pick the habit from you. Be very careful the eating habits you practice around your children. Let them pick healthy habits from you.
Involving children in the process of shopping for your groceries could be a good idea. If you have a farmer’s market nearby where it’s safe to go with your children, then try involving them in the experience. Children love adventure of any kind, and if you show them the things that helps keep them healthy then they will pick the good habits in the process.
Cooking is one of the fun things that you can involve kids in. They will definitely enjoy eating what they have prepared. Involve them in measuring portions of ingredients, washing vegetables, and other activities that are not harmful to them. You should monitor them because you do not want to let them play with knives or fire, and injure themselves. Be playful with them, while doing so that they may enjoy the whole process.
Gardening is another good idea when looking to encourage your kids to eat healthy. Involve them in planting something they can watch grow and eat. There are several things that you can grow with them if you have a small kitchen garden. Some suggestions are corn, spinach, kales, potatoes, avocados, oranges, etc. Kids love projects and will care for the plants to watch them grow. Fruit trees take long to mature, but you can just use them to show them how they grow.
Finally, encouraging healthy eating habits doesn’t have to be so strict. You may sometimes want to treat your child to snacks. Do not buy snacks in wholesale because when they are readily available, they have to be eaten. You should also regulate the intake of snacks, choose healthy snacks and drinks for your children. Fresh fruit juices are a healthier substitute as opposed to drinks.