Saturday 8th, August, was a cold drizzly morning. It was also the day we held the Blogging and Social Media training in Nairobi. The training was at the Nailab on Ngong Road and for a cold Saturday morning, the turnout was good.
Rayhab Gachango took the participants through the first part of the training. She started from the basics; why blog? She highlighted the reasons for blogging, and how blogging has contributed in influencing society. She gave tips on how to become a better blogger and how to make money from blogging.
She also touched on plagiarism; giving steps on what to do when as a blogger, your work is plagiarized. She addressed copyright with regards to content ownership, originality and authenticity. She cautioned against not crediting images used on the blog that do not belong to you. Participants were also made aware of the different blogging platforms that exist and advised on the advantages of using say, WordPress as opposed to Blogger, Joomla and the rest.
The second part of the training was led by James Wamathai during which he delved into the nitty-gritties of social media. Listing the various social media platforms that are vital for a blogger, he helped the participants understand the importance of using social media to market their blogs.
Though questions had been asked here and there during the training, the session ended with a Q & A session where the aspiring bloggers, and already established bloggers alike floated questions on the areas they felt needed to be addressed by both trainers.
We thank all those who took the time, braved the biting cold nonetheless, to attend the training. We hope that it was helpful and it contributed immensely to your blogging journey.
Below are some of the tweets that were sent out under the #BAKETraining hashtag.
“@BAKE_ke: Joining a blogging community will help you as a blogger. Do not blog in a cocoon – @potentash #BAKETraining” ABSOLUTELY…….
— IG: @Ryan_Mucilih (@Ryan_Mucilih) August 8, 2015
#BAKETraining really insightful,,,thanks to @BAKE_ke
— Imani Njeri (@FNgeru) August 8, 2015
Social Media training with @uqweli #BAKETraining
— BAKE (@BAKE_ke) August 8, 2015