Digital Camp Kenya 2015 is here!

Digital Camp Kenya

Come the dawn of 6th November 2015, a Friday by the way, we intend to assemble the digital community in Kenya consisting of online content creators, developers, artists, PR practitioners, marketers, digital professionals, Social media influencers and any other person interested in online content generation. Having assembled them, we will take a ride with them, the destination being the Cray Fish Campsite in Naivasha.

If you will join us – we hope you will – you might be curious to find out why we are going to Cray Fish Camp. We hope that at this point in time, you will graciously allow us to take over your plans as we organize activities for the duration of the three days that we will be with you.

Having trusted us with your time, we will go out of our way to make sure that you have a great experience. A time that is intended to add value to you as a digital stakeholder in the Kenyan online space, while giving you a chance to enjoy a relaxing, weekend of rejuvenation and fun as you take in the tranquility of Cray Fish campsite.

Our program is broad and all-inclusive. We will have masterclasses to target developers, bloggers, Influencers, PR and marketing companies. We will slot in 45 minute presentation sessions to talk about current trends and make time to engage in Q & A on various topics.

It is not all about work so as you sip on your cup of chai, kahawa, or your bottle of beer (hey, don’t let us stop you!) we will have conversations in the form of fireside chats revolving around topics like online content creation and free expression in Kenya, monetization online and the future of digital advertising, investing in online enterprises. There will also be team building exercises to keep you on your feet.

There will be bonding, networking and exchange of business ideas. What’s more, you will get to know each other outside your usual online personas.

Activities will be spread over the three days that we intend to steal you away from the world. On the last night with you, we will have a party that will feature performance from a Kenyan musician to crown it all. We hope that you will put your dancing shoes on and dare to let loose.

That done, we will ship you back to the city on the 7th of November hoping that this experience will have impacted you enough to whet your appetite for the same event next year.

Guys, welcome to Digital Camp Kenya 2015! Tickets are now on sale at the cost of Ksh. 3, 500 for BAKE members and Ksh.4, 500 for non members. This amount will cater for your transport, accommodation for the two nights and meals for the three days.

The deadline for payment is 4th November, 2015. Get details on how to purchase tickets from this link.

After paying via Mpesa, you can register on this page.

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