Apparently October 8th is National Poetry day. The #NationalPoetryDay hashtag has trended on twitter for the better part of today.
For bloggers, we could use some suggestions to make our blogs dynamic. You can blog about any topic that you are passionate about. There are blogs dedicated to thematic topics and this is still in order. One theme you could pick is poetry.
Posts: You may post your own work on the blog. Blogs expose a poet to a greater audience than they would have if they just wrote on their notebooks. This way, your poetry skills may get sharpened from interaction with your audience.
Posts don’t have to be your original work only. You can combine them with other famous poets’ work, only that you have to credit them. Plagiarism is a crime that robs a writer of credibility, so you better avoid it at all times. If an author of a poem is unknown, it is safe to credit the author as Anonymous or Unknown.
Poetry book reviews can also provide great fodder for your blog. As a writer, you sharpen your skill through reading other writers. You would also like to be read once you publish your work.
You could do poet profiles to help your readers understand the poetry sphere. You could also write posts on facts about poetry. This should get rid of the monotony created by the same type of writing.
Images speak louder than words. Pick your images wisely to suit your blog posts. You should select a picture that depicts the topic of your post. This makes it enticing to click and read when shared on social media. There are many free photos online that you could pick from, but remember the crediting rule. You must credit the source of photos if they are not your own. Alternatively, if you are good at the camera, you can decide to use your own photos. You can also choose to use illustrations in place of photos.
A well picked theme can bring life to your blog. Try and pick a theme that gives an artsy feel to your blog. Boring themes may put your readers off. You could also use some tips on making your blog ready for visits to make it more appealing.
Don’t just blog, get involved in conversations involving poetry. Join groups of poets, share your work, comment on other blogs. This way, you stay in touch with what’s happening in your environment and you expose your talent to the world.
So go ahead and enjoy your poetry blogging.