Blogging and Social Media Training at USIU

Blogging and Social Media Training, Blogging, USIU

We took our Blogging and Social Media training to USIU on Friday, 4th March 2016. This training was facilitated by Wanjiru Kihusa, Shitemi Khamadi and Kennedy Kachwanya.

The training started with a session on Blogging where the basics were defined; who a blogger is, why people blog, what they blog about and how to become a better blogger.

The students at USIU, most of whom were already running their own blogs, proved to know a great deal about blogging as some had even started their own blogs. They however still had a lot of questions about blogging. Questions that our facilitators were more than happy to answer. The areas of curiosity were mainly the use of images in their blogposts, themes to use for their blogs, use of the different blogging platforms and self-hosting. They were also curious about copyright and what the law says about blogging.

The social media session was quite interactive as the students did not shy away from asking questions during the session. They were cautioned that though Social media is important, it could get messy if not used properly. They were advised to know their audience have a good content strategy which they could use to plan, create, publish and govern good and usable content.

The students were also taught how to use the various social platforms responsibly and to always ensure that their online activity was a good reflection of them, since the same persona they gave offline, was the same one they should strive to maintain online. They were curious about the responses that brands added to social media discussions and trends which were also tackled at length.

Here are some of the tweets that were sent out by the students during the training:

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