The online media world is still young and for most bloggers, the discovery of the online content creation space was accidental. While most mean well and just want to create content and make money online, they are unaware of the laws that govern the space they work in. Many are unfamiliar with laws on libel, defamation and even criminal defamation.
It is therefore important once in a while for someone who has experience in these matters to point out the boundaries of content creation and for content creators to remind themselves about these boundaries and how to work around them.
It is for this reason that we, in conjuction with iHub, are inviting Caroline Mutoko to speak on this subject matter on Thursday 4th August from 5pm – 6pm. This will be at iHub, which is on 4th floor of Bishop Magua Centre, opposite Uchumi hyper supermarket, Ngong road. Everybody on the online space is encouraged to attend and learn a thing or two about this very important topic that affects all users of the internet. Attendance is free. Register here.
Miss Mutoko is the Program Controller of Kiss 100 and the Group marketing manager of Radio Africa Group. She transitioned from a Radio presenter to run her own Youtube channel.