3 Golden Writing Tips from Bikozulu

3 Golden Writing Tips

Writing is an art and almost anyone can hack it. Many successful Kenyan writers are earning from this profession. Bikozulu is one of these writers who has scaled the creative writing industry and has won several awards over the years with the most notable being Blog of the Year. His blog is captivating and an inspiration to many. Creative writing is a niche which, if understood can easily make you a successful writer, especially, if your content is always unique and true to the writer. Today we are going to discuss top three writing tips with Bikozulu as seen on My Two Cents.


“You have to want it so bad until you sweat it.” Bikozulu

Writers are passionate individuals. Most of their days are spent huddled over a laptop tapping away their soul through thoughts, ideas, and creativity, on a blank screen. You cannot be a writer if you do not love writing.

Writers have the capability and talent to shape words into tangible expressions that can motivate, inform, and entertain. Writing is the voice for most people who are able to showcase their vision just through words.

If you are passionate about writing, you have to be willing to write without getting any reward or appreciation from anyone except yourself. This is because writing, like all other careers, can have its fair share of setbacks financially, professionally and even personally. You have to be very ‘hungry’ to a point of reaching starvation.

If you are ‘hungry’ enough; if you believe this is your purpose and this is how your passion can be easily expressed; then writing is the way to go.

Break the chains that may be stopping you from following your passion for writing. You can be a better writer by tapping into the passion of writing.


“Expand your word view by reading…If you fill your head with words, you are confidence enough to write and you will build your writing muscle.” – Bikozulu

Reading and writing go hand in hand. You cannot imagine words when you have not read. As a writer, you will need to expand your vocabulary to be able to sound different every so often, which will definitely improve your writing skills.

Reading is able to showcase how to use and phrase words in a way that will be able to attract an audience and everyone will be able to understand your thoughts on paper or screen effortlessly.

Reading also gives you more confidence and the motivation to write. Therefore, when you read, you will be able to write more words.


“For you to grow you have to write.” – Bikozulu

Nothing great was ever achieved just because it was easy. You have to keep writing continuously for you to be a successful writer. Writing once a month does make you grow but writing almost every day does. Writing should, therefore, be a daily practice and since it is your passion, you have to keep at it without fail.  The more you practice, the more you will find out how easier it is going to get.

Always remember, growth does not come knocking, you have to put in the effort. A better brand draws more readers and retains the normal readers who always keep wanting more.

Do you find these tips useful? What other tips could you add to inspire other writers?