One of the things most bloggers struggle with is obtaining or maintaining content. People will constantly ask you what you’re up to and they will crave your posts should they go missing or you becomes less frequent in posting. Many bloggers have different ways of seeking motivation to write, here are some ways that you can get your writing juices up and running:
Read other bloggers work. Most writers get the motivation to write through reading other literal works. Grab a book you like or read a blog written by a writer you admire. The BAKE website offers a myriad of different blogs in different categories for you to go through and read. Even reading something from a different category from what you’re used to working with helps. You can grab ideas from there!
Another method is thinking outside the box. What content do you normally have and how can you switch it up so that you have content that’s different and exciting for your readers? Your blog is the way you relate to people so why not relate to more and more people and have more traffic on your blog. You don’t have to necessarily change your content, just have different ideas that make it more interesting to read.
A commonly suggested method of writing that motivates you is love is finding a ‘comfort spot’ or a space you just love to be in that makes you comfortable. Some people do the opposite so that they can somehow unlock another wave of ideas. My comfort space, as weird as it might be, is in a matatu. All the different people, scenes and smells remind me of so many different things I can write about and the thing is, it’s the perfect environment for writing. no one really bothers you as everyone is on their way here or there.
Just remember to watch out for your phone should you be sitting by a window that actually opens up. Nairobi is not for the meek.
From the thinking and stressing over your content you forget to do the most important, thing, that is, to relax. Letting your mind cool down from the overthinking you’ve been doing to come up with content. This serves to make you relax. You free your mind from the stress and just when you relax do your ideas start to flow. Your brain is not a machine nor a program, it needs to rest in order to function at its maximum capacity. most people say you should think happy thought that should serve to bring about a calm sense and get you writing.
Writer’s block is a very common ‘disease’ among writers. A method suggested to me was that you can recycle old work and provide the necessary updates to the situation should it have matured. most writers struggle to come up with evergreen content not knowing that the information they put out can gain more relevance with age and experiences.