On 3rd September 2018, Mabati Rolling Mills launched The Eye in the Wild campaign. The campaign, labelled Stop the Chop, aims at creating awareness on the importance of conservation by highlighting the beauty in nature and the impact of climate change. This is done through an annual photography campaign for amateur photographers.
The campaign targets sustainable solutions on how we can contribute to forest conservation in a bid to protect our natural environment and thus provide a platform for the community to showcase beauty in our landscape whilst developing talent.
This year will be the second edition of the campaign, after the last one, done last year garnered major success. The campaign was launched on March 29, 2017, and attracted over 850 submissions; both from established photographers and amateurs.
All entries should be submitted on the MRM Eye in The Wild microsite. The competition will allow only three entries per person – that’s how many times an individual can submit, but only one photo can make it to the final. Photographs will be judged on four main criteria: expression of theme, creativity, composition and photographic quality.
All entries will be posted on the MRM Eye in the Wild microsite and the general public will vote for their favourite photo and the one with the highest votes will be named the MRM Photographer Of The Year, People’s Choice Award. Voting begins at 12:00am on October 13, 2018, and ends at 11:59pm on October 14, 2018, EAT. The people’s choice award recipient will not be eligible for the main awards.
The judges will choose 20 photos from the entries which will be eligible for publication in MRM calendars, then gold, silver and bronze awards will be selected from these. The winner of the gold award stands a chance to win upto Kshs. 350,000.
With the planet on the brink of a severe environmental crisis due to deforestation, poaching, poor water conservation, erosion, air and water pollution, a lot needs to be done. This includes creating awareness, but more than that, provoking action towards issues presently or soon, that is potently injurious to the existence of plant and wild life.
Key details
Submission phase: 3rd September- 12th October (11:59 pm)
Entries submitted to: MRM Eye in The Wild
Voting phase : 13th October (12.00am) – 14th October, 2018 (11.59pm)
Follow the conversation: #StopTheChop