6 Ways To End A Blog Post.

Everyone loves to end their post in the most memorable way but really it does become quite hard to come up with the right way to end your blog post. There’s this habit we have of eating all the food on our plate and then eating the meat last. I am sure that I am not alone right? We do this just because we love saving the best for last.

Here are a couple of ways to end a blog post that might help you in your blogging journey:

  1. Summarize the post

This is the classic way to end your blog post. It wraps the gift up neatly for delivery to your readers an also sheds a light to all matters conclusion. This is especially used in crime murder mysteries when you have that aha! moment and now things as finally starting to come together. It is also a method or reinforcing the ideas that you had cultivated in the mind to a point of completion.

  1. Ask readers to share

Most, if not all blogs, have the necessary share buttons on all the platforms and while they remain vitally important to your blog post they are mostly always ignored. Having a call to action where you ask your readers to share your blog goes a long way. Try asking your readers to share and see how far that goes.

  1. Encouraging your community

This works in the case of your blog post being instructional or a tutorial where your readers have to create something from scratch or do a DIY (do it yourself). Ask them to share with you their results and post it on the comment section. You can also ask your readers their take on the article or to share their experience with it. It is too hard a task or something very easy to do. This is especially effective when you have a food blog.

  1. Share a preview of what’s to come

If your blog is part of a series ten you know what you need to do to be able to maintain an audience. You need a good amount of suspense, a speculation here and there, a flash-forward in the mix too. Giving your readers a flash-forward normally has them hooked. That slight piece f information is what you need to have them anxious to know reading your blog and waiting for the next post. Another method is linking the story to past events hence creating a connection to characters and occurrences.

  1. Have links to best resource materials

Aside from this creating a sense of credibility between you and your reader, it also gives extra information to them without the hustles of having to search the internet extensively. They are on your blog because they are looking for information not frustration. Whether your blog is is a ‘how to’ series or you’re sharing your favourite books, you can end your blog post by adding links to the best places for resource. This can work well for fashion bloggers, food bloggers, political bloggers etc.  ending the post with this invaluable resource links is a great way to add value to your post and possibly make money off it too.

  1. Promote your offering

You should, by all means, never forget to promote your good and services at the end of your blog post if it’s relevant. You should always write your blogs assuming it’s the first time someone has landed on your site. Everything should be explained a new. a discount or instruction given and sales redone. Selling yourself is very important.

Please let us know if these tips work for you, you’ll never know if you don’t try.

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