The Art of Travel Writing

Travel photographer equipment on rocky mountain with beautiful landscape on the background

Travel writing has rules too? Sigh.

Travel blogging has become popular in recent times and with social media, it is getting easier to share content across platforms. I have read many blogs that are travel oriented. Most of them are amazing but the one thing that bums me out is focusing on stuff that do not matter.

It is understandable that you want your readers to know eeeeverything that happened and the stuff you did. Perfectly understandable but, what does the reader get out of reading that post? Here are some of the stuff you should consider when writing a travel post.

The devil is in the details

When you write about a trip to Bali for example, what most people want to know is how much it costs to go for such a trip so as to plan accordingly. I would want to know which hotel is the best to stay and the budget range, what places to look out for, how to get there, the best time to travel, who to drool over and even how to save for travel escapades.

Write it down now, not later

We might think that we will be able to remember all the details of your experience in Mombasa or that strange conversation you heard on your way there or even the scent of the ocean. Unfortunately, we forget the small details and the stuff that seem unforgettable often slip our minds upon returning home. This is why it is important to write your feelings and instincts about a destination as they happen.

If you are not a fan of immediate writing, record it on your phone so you can transcribe it later.

Smash that intro

The introduction is where the readers will decide whether or not your post is worth their time. Just get to the point. Readers want to know what they’re in for within the first few sentences but don’t put all your best material upfront. Just entice people in and grab their attention. Forget putting things in chronological order. Pick the most memorable part of the trip and begin from there.

Less is more

In travel blogging, most people use visual storytelling instead of words. Using pictures and videos is better and will give a more vivid picture of your journey. Use words to explain only where your pictures can not.

Write about the destination, not you

The point of a travel story is to immerse the reader in a destination, not the traveller. Don’t turn the story into a personal memoir. The secret to travel-writing is making the reader the character. Evoke all the sense of that trip through your writing, talk about the signs, sounds, colours and the smells. do a full immersion of the destination so that the reader feels like they are with you on your journey.

Any tips for upcoming travel bloggers? Hit us up on our social media pages or comments section.

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