All systems are a go for the Africa Law and Technology Festival

From tomorrow 6th March-10th Africa’s Tech Policy community will gather in Nairobi for the Africa Law and Technology Festival, a first one of its kind in Africa.

Hosted by the Lawyers Hub in Kenya with the support of Omidyar Network, the Africa Law Tech Festival 2020 aims at bringing together various leaders from across Africa in the Law and Technology sectors to discuss Africa’s place in the rapidly changing global technology landscape.

It will also create a space where conversations around policy issues in emerging technologies, the role of tech in promoting access to justice, rule of law and law reform will be achieved.

This Festival will entail :

Academy offering an opportunity for curious minds to propel their quest for knowledge all things legal-tech and or tech policy for non-lawyers, a brilliant and vibrant way to begin the journey of learning the inner workings of the Law Tech world. The Academy will run from 6th March to 8th March 2020,

Global Legal Hackathon 2020 which brings together techies, law firms, corporations, non-profit organizations, universities, law schools and various stakeholders to create a rapid development of technological solutions to advance the legal sector and improve access to legal services. The Africa Law Tech Festival will host the Global Legal Hackathon in 2020 and will constitute inter-country teams that will proceed to the global finals in Newyork.

Africa Law Tech Conference which aims to foster the discussion on all things law and tech with engaging panelists from around the globe, spanning across sectors. To be held on the 9th – 11th March 2020.

Africa Law Tech Awards which seek to acknowledge exceptional achievements and ground-breaking strides in the world of law and technology. The awards recognize those enabling and
creating ethical technology and policy solutions for development by building inclusive societies and improving access to justice.

Africa Digital Rights Concert which is an engaging experience full of fun, entertainment and culture to increase public awareness on Technology assisted violence against women. The Festival will take place on the 8th, March 2020 to celebrate the International Women’s Day.

Many people in Africa are using and almost all sectors have a technology component, from communication to manufacturing to education. The law is not to be left behind. African policymakers are hard at work to make sure this space is well regulated. The Africa Law Tech festival acknowledges the need for collaboration to strengthen the cross-section of law and tech fields in Africa today.

The festival will feature a variety of speakers with different backgrounds and expertise ranging from a public policy framework for tech, fintech, Cybersecurity and tech entrepreneurship to digital identity and data protection. The festival gives you a chance to meet and interact with them as they explore all things law and tech.

For more information about the festival, visit the Africa Law Tech Website.