Ken Juma: on knowing who you are and enjoying life as it comes

Ken Juma’s perspective on life is one that I haven’t seen, well, read in a long, long time. He is someone I feel would be very interesting having deep, meaningful conversations with. In a world where most people strive to hide their imperfections, Ken laughs at his failures and then learns from them. Never letting them hold him back.

He started his blog as a way of ranting about life’s strangeness, as a way of having unfiltered conversations, as a way of encouraging people that it is okay to have flaws. And that instead of focusing on them, to liberate oneself from the yolks of the system and live happily.

We asked him a few questions and this is what he had to say.

Give us a brief profile of yourself.

My name is Ken Juma, a very proud African, super proud. I identify as a stoic. I love high-pressure situations; I consider them a privilege and the greatest opportunities to truly live and learn.

Share something interesting about your- self.

I’m philosophically obsessed with death

What attracted/ inspired you into blogging?

To share my thoughts with the world.

From your blog description, you say your blog’ is about liberation, freeing yourself from the yolks of the system” You could have written about anything, why this niche?

Because true living is only possible when you know who you really are as a human being and as a person. Liberation is knowing who you are, and not what others think you are.

What accomplishments are you proud of most?

My kids.

If you could sit down with your 13yr old self what would you tell him?

Everything will turn out just fine, you may not see it now, be patient.

If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

African. Stoic. Awesome.

If you could time travel, where would you go?

Times of Jesus, I strongly believe we got it all wrong that even he would be surprised of how things turned out. I’d like to confirm or be proved wrong.

What is the weirdest food combination you have ever tried?

Squid choma na beer

If you were not a blogger, what would you be instead? Do you have a day job?

I don’t blog for money. I’m into business; by the way, I sell Home Water Purifiers, House of Maji, check it out.

Of all the posts you have ever written, which one is your favourite? why?

“Everything will come to an end, eventually.” Because it’s a true prophesy even for the blog, and you as well.

What scares you most about the future?

There’s no future, there never will be. There’s only now. 

What is the most difficult thing you ever had to do?

Lol, I guess it would be schooling. Never liked school, still don’t.

Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

My mum; because regardless of who I turn out to be, or any good or evil thing I can ever do, I’ll still remain her son. 

Any interesting hobbies, obsessions?

Reading. Experiencing different cultures. Smiles, I love to see people smile.

Is there a quote/mantra you live by?

The world, and all in it, is neither good nor bad, it just is. It’s your interpretation of events that assign them the connotation of being good or bad.

If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?

Sherlock Holmes. Who wouldn’t want to be Sherlock?

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Even this will come to an end.

Want to read more on Ken Juma’s perspective o life? Check out his blog, You can also follow him on his Twitter @KenJuma .