Pan-African organization committed to political, social change in Africa, AfricTivistes has launched its Civic Action Prize, to honour the continent’s citizen champions.
Until now, AfricTivistes awarded the best journalists and bloggers who are active in civic engagement through the PRIX ANNA GUEYE in honour of our late comrade Anna Gueye. Today, AfricTivistes is going a step further to lift up, through this Prize, the young Africans who have made the most impact on the continent for initiating innovative projects or civic actions that brought about change in their respective communities.
Formally established in 2015, AfricTivistes seeks to reward young role models and actors of change to encourage emulation among all African youth.
“We intend, through the AfricTivistes Civic Action Prize, to honour the continent’s citizen champions. We want to highlight the potential of African youth as drivers of development and actors of change. For more than a decade, the continent’s youth have been emulating each other in building citizenship and acquiring new skills. Better still, they are committed to meeting the demands of democracy, governance, and transparency through citizen projects carried out individually or collectively,” said the organization on its website.
“We look forward to discovering your citizen champions. As long as they are young Africans, actors of change and initiators of projects with high social impact,” said AfricTivistes
All you have to do is nominate a person of your choice by filling out the form on the website before July 16, 2021. Your Citizen Champion will have carried out a high-impact, innovative project with a community dynamic.
“You have the opportunity to nominate anyone you deem worthy and highlight their work. If you have initiated a project that meets the criteria and you think you might be the champion of civic action we are looking for, you can nominate yourself and/or ask your friends, acquaintances, or colleagues to nominate you,” said AfricTivistes
The competition is open to residents of the 54 African countries aged 40 years or less. Several steps will precede the awarding of the AfricTivistes Civic Action Prize. In that regard, a selection committee will choose the 5 best profiles nominated.
The profile of the 5 finalists will be open to public voting on the website. The public’s vote will count for 60% of the final decision. The vote of the final jury will count for 40% of the final decision. The finalist with the highest average score of the combined public and final jury votes will be the Winner of the AfricTivistes Civic Action Prize.
The Winner will be announced at the closing dinner of the 3rd AfricTivistes Summit in October 2021 in Nairobi, Kenya.
In addition to the trophy, the winner of the AfricTivistes Civic Action Prize will receive US$10,000, electronic equipment, a scholarship, and grants to replicate their project or initiative elsewhere in Africa. The other four finalists will each receive US$1500 and electronic equipment.
Finalists will also benefit from exchange programmes thanks to our network of partners in Africa and Europe. In addition to being role models for their respective communities and participating in the side events of the 3rd AfricTivistes Summit, the finalists will network with our partners and Africa’s renowned actors of change present at this continental event.
AfricTivistes is committed to intervening directly or indirectly in the various processes of political and social change. It also promotes enhanced citizenship and youth engagement. Aware of democratic and social justice challenges, AfricTivistes supports and defends the values of African solidarity and human rights.