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Nyokabi Wainaina on her love of Kenyan music, new baby who is her greatest accomplishment and dynamic nature of life

As a blogger, sometimes you cannot stop writing and the ideas just can’t stop flowing. But then life happens and the pen goes quiet for some time and it could be due to writer’s block or any other reason.

BAKE caught up with one of the most prolific music bloggers we have Nyokabi Wainaina who told us about her love for Kenyan music and why it is her chosen niche of blogging. She also lets us into the very valid reasons why she went quiet and what we should look forward to in music blogging now that she is back with her bang……

  1. Give us a brief profile of yourself

My name is Ann Nyokabi. I’m a content creator by profession and a mother to a three-year-old boy by choice 🙂

  1. Share something interesting about yourself

I love music a lot. If imposter syndrome wasn’t trying to kill me, I’d be the DJ I have wanted to be for the longest.

  1. What attracted/inspired you into blogging?

I am an avid listener of Kenyan music, especially on Soundcloud. I happened upon so many undiscovered artistes every time I went there and I thought why not take the opportunity to tell the world about them. 

  1. What is the name of your blog and what is it about? because I wanted everyone to know all thoughts were my own. It is also a self-branding situation for me.

  1. You could have written about anything, why this niche specifically?

Again, my love for good music.

  1. What accomplishments are you proud of most?

Just being a mom and making it this far is enough for me.

  1. If you could sit down with your 13-year-old self, what would you tell her?

“We gon be alright” – Kendrick Lamar

  1. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Witty, Creative, Happ-go-lucky 

  1. If you could time travel, where would you go?

To the 70s, the music was really quite something.

  1. What is the weirdest food combination you have ever tried?

Ngunjagutu – ugali + potatoes

  1. If you were not a blogger, what would you be instead? Do you have a day job?

A full time Dj, music producer. I am a Content Creator/copywriter for an agency.

  1. Of all the posts you have ever written, which one is your favourite? Why?

One I wrote about Njoki Karu’s song ‘Omba’ the song had a lot of meaning to it for a difficult time for us Kenyans.

  1. What is the most difficult thing you ever had to do?

Pushing a 3.1kg infant. Any mother will relate.

  1. You stopped blogging for a while. Please tell us why and when is the comeback?

I was catching up with motherhood, life-work balance, and having a life partner. I think in a few months I will be back, I finally have a rhythm and my writer’s block is gone haha

  1. Anything new we should expect?

I want to look into the new Kenyan music genres we now have and how far we have grown in that industry.

  1. Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

My mom. As cliche as this sounds, she has overcome so much in her life and had to start over in equal measures. I stan her ability to snap out of anything really.

  1. Besides blogging, what else do you do? What is your obsession?

I am an influencer. My obsession is anything that has music in it really lol

  1. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Be aggressive. 

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Haha I really don’t like this question because life is very unpredictable. I pray that God’s grace gets me there.

  1. Is there a quote/mantra you live by?

I’m not big on quotes.

  1. If you would be a superhero, who would you be and why?

I want to be more of a vigilante like Robinhood. Save people from this world’s filth and corruption and still keep my quiet life.

  1. What lessons have you learned the most from 2020 and how do you plan to make a difference?

That life can change at any time. I want to always be prepared in case of such panoramic situations.

  1. What is your greatest achievement?

Being alive today is a big achievement in itself.

  1. What are some of the changes in the blogsphere between now and when you started out?

People are moving into the vlogging world because this generation is more into visual content.

  1. Advice to the budding blogger?

Just keep going. Remain consistent. Yes, I am the last person to say this but please stay consistent. It pays.