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Burnout with looming deadlines? These three people could help

You are unable to focus, a throbbing headache won’t let up and writer’s block is your everyday companion; since you have been there before you know that continuous work and the symptoms you are having can only spell burnout. A voice at the back of your throbbing head tells you that while it is important to take some time out, bills have to be paid and you do not want to lose your clients so you plod on until you can’t anymore and it’s now a full-blown breakdown that comes with its own intricacies.

Well if you are having a burnout and you have some writing to do there are four people you can talk to for a win-win situation:

  1. Guest blogger

Basically, guest blogging entails you as the owner of the website inviting someone from outside their company to blog about a certain topic to be published on the (owner’s) website. It is always advisable to look for a blogger who writes the same niche as you do or one that is an expert in the field. This is a good way of working well with others in the field and to get the best ghostwriters you need to get up from your laurels and start networking while being open to symbiotic relationships.

So how does a guest blogger benefit? Well, according to your arrangement, they stand to benefit financially, build relationships with other established people and companies. They will also widen their reach and put their brand out there.  You, on the other hand, gets to sleep, take a mini-vacation or staycation without affecting your bank account.

  1. Ghostwriters

If you have pressing journalistic work, a speech, and text but do not have the time to complete it? Then a ghostwriter is just what you need. A ghostwriter works like a gust blogger only that no credit is given to them. Ghostwriters can also come in handy when you are writing a book or a biography as long as they understand the plot of the story. Before getting into such an arrangement, you will need to have a water-tight contract so that there are no misunderstandings in the end.

  1. Co-author

This one presents a slightly different arrangement from the above scenarios as the glory is shared equally and in some instances so are the finances. Basically, a co-author collaborates with another person in writing a dramatic or literary work, document, or legislative bill, etc. In instances where there are more than one writer, there will be one chosen to handle the correspondence.

There you have it, do not drop dead because of a heavy workload but invest in relationships, networks, and people who can help even when you do not have, much money to pay them.