BAKE to take part in the 2014 CMS Africa Summit

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Over the years, web designers and platform builders in Africa have been accused of not following due diligence when building platforms and websites using open source Content Management Systems. Customization, Security enhancements, bugs, and other things are not, in most cases, properly looked into. The end result has been incomplete websites to gaping security holes that have left thousands of websites unusable or easy attack to prowling hawkers.

CMS Africa Summit wishes to bridge this gap by organizing conferences across the African continent that will bring experts from different leading CMSs to offer workshops, lectures and hands-on on different issues ranging from installation, customizations, updates, security enhancements, backups, extensions, modules, and other related issues.

The Bloggers association is pleased to announce we have partnered with CMS Africa Summit and will be present at this year’s conference. The conference is set to take place on Fri 7th and Sat 8th March 2014, at Strathmore University, Nairobi.

The summit will feature key speakers including some of the executives and founders from Joomla! WordPress, Drupal, Sitecore, and many more. Those in attendance will be web developers, web analysts, software engineers, security companies, government agencies, international organizations, online marketers, online business owners, and students across Africa. Dr. Bitange Ndemo is among the expected speakers this year

Tickets go for Kshs. 1,000 on Friday 7th March and Kshs. 1200 on Saturday 8th March. A season ticket goes for Kshs. 2000. Attendance is by online registration which can be done here