Mobile Data is The Black Gold Of The 21st Century – Tomi Ahonen


Looking at the tech world, it’s clear that mobile is the future. PC companies seem to have acknowledged this and ventured into mobile. Governments are also angling their services towards mobile. This is according to mobile expert Tomi Ahonen who spoke at the just concluded Mobile East Africa conference.

Tomi Ahonen is an author, consultant and motivational speaker who would largely be considered the voice of mobile advancement. According to him, there has been no technology as widespread as mobile. This includes mass media such as recordings, cinema, internet, television, radio and print. He considers mobile to be the 7th mass media.

The future success of mobile lies in its unique abilities. Among these is the personal and permanently connected features you experience on mobile. He reckons that the fact that we can now call, send messages and even use mobile as a platform for money payments is a clear sign that mobile is here to stay.

In Kenya, this is evident in that you can practically live off your phone. Think of how you can now even use your mobile as your bank. This wasn’t possible a few years ago. Telecoms in Kenya have embraced mobile and so have most businesses. We are moving towards a place where you will get to pay bus fare via mobile, no more carrying coins with you.

Based on this, I would agree with Tomi Ahonen, mobile is the future. And it also happens to be the black gold of the 21st Century. Do you agree with his sentiments on mobile being the future of technology?