We are happy to announce that Intel has confirmed it’s sponsorship for the BAKE Kenyan Blog Awards 2014, the annual award that recognizes excellence amongst bloggers.
Intel is set to sponsor the “Best Technology” category. The category seeks to award blogs that cover technology matters like social media, internet usage, consumer electronincs, mobile phones, tech start ups et.c. The blogs nominated under this category this year are:
http://techtrendske.wordpress.com/, http://techmoran.com/
“We commend the Bloggers Association of Kenya for its role in empowering and enriching the local blogging community. As we celebrate excellence in Kenya’s blogging community, Intel is proud to sponsor this year’s Bloggers Awards,” said Lavinniah Muthoni, East Africa’s Marketing Manager, Intel Corporation.
About The BAKE Blog Awards
The BAKE Blog Awards rewards bloggers that post on a regular basis, have great and useful content, are creative and innovative.
These awards represent BAKE’s efforts in the promotion of quality content creation.
About Intel
Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world’s computing devices. As a leader in corporate responsibility and sustainability, Intel also manufactures the world’s first commercially available “conflict-free” microprocessors. Additional information about Intel is available at newsroom.intel.com and blogs.intel.com, and about Intel’s conflict-free efforts at conflictfree.intel.com.