Have you ever opened a blog and been so confused about how to locate a post? This happens in so many blogs because there are no categories, and if there are, they are so disorganised. As a blogger, you need to make your blog in a way that will help your readers navigate the site comfortably.
This post will give you a guide o how to go about organising your categories
1. Category names must be descriptive
You should label your categories in a way that will help readers know what to find on the blog. If a reader cannot figure out what a category is all about, then you have done it all wrong. Title the categories in a way that you can see a picture in your mind before clicking on it.
2. Limit the number of categories
Too many categories are distracting. Don’t create a category for each and every post. Come up with a structure that will group all your posts based on the topics you focus on. With the structure in place, it will be easier to fill the post in the existing categories. Generalise your categories to suit what your blog is all about
3. Make sure they fit in 1 screen
Despite you limiting the number of categories, sometimes they are just too many. In this case, make sure that the reader will see all of them in one screen. It is very annoying when people have to keep scrolling just to see what other categories are there. It also makes it difficult to trace a post and people will avoid reading your blog.
4. Show how many posts are in each category
If the platform your are using allows you to display the number of posts in each category, you should do so. This will help the user know what to expect in each category and also shows which topics you focus on the most as a blogger.
These tips should help you design a better blog. Do you have any other tips on organizing categories? Share them with us.