Blogs that cover political issues in Kenya.
According to the author, this is where you see “fact, first and fast” . The author is a Journalist who owns a group of County newspapers and Runs Political, Business and Social Media Consultancy
This site is about Kenya’s social, cultural, and political spheres
The author takes time and thinks and as such his thoughts on paper or speech might seem too radical for those of us who imbibe and regurgitate “knowledge” from books, or even worse, politicians!
This blog tries to look at the Kenyan political cycle and the common mwananchi’s (citizen) contribution to its success and/or failure. It is beyond being biased and does not try to perpetuate any political hearsay. the blog exclusively narrates the authors own look at the politics of Kenya as they unfold.
This blog focusses largely is on issues affecting African countries, Kenya and in particular Tribalism/negative ethnicity